
Web Resources about Evolution
Developed by the UC Berkeley Museum of Paleontology, this site supports a wealth of resources for teachers.
This site explores the National Science Foundation-funded Tree of Life Project.
This National Association of Biology Teachers site provides useful information about the teaching of evolution.
The home page for the National Center for Science Education, this site is a clearinghouse for information about the teaching of evolution.
This site provides information about resources available from the National Science Teachers Association.
This site links to the National Science Education Standards of the National Research Council.
The Loom: A Blog About Life, Past and Future. Carl Zimmer weblog.
This PBS site includes video clips, interviews with scientists, and many other resources on evolution.
This site presents a series of nine multimedia science kits, each based on the research of a women scientist. These award-winning kits were developed by the same team that created the Explore Evolution project.

Books about Evolution
Burne, D. 2002. Evolution, a Beginner’s Guide to How Living Things Adapt and Survive.  New York: Dorling Kindersley. 72 pgs.
Charlesworth, B. & Charlesworth D. 2003. Evolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.  145 pgs.
Gould, S. J. (ed.). 2001. The Book of Life. New York: W.W. Norton & Company. 256 pgs.
Howard, J. 1982. Darwin: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 125 pgs.
Mayr, E. 1997. What Evolution Is. New York: Basic Books. 318 pgs.
Weiner, J. 1994.  The Beak of the Finch: A Story of Evolution in Our Time.  New York: Vintage Books. 332 pgs.
Zimmer, C. 2001. Evolution, The Triumph of an Idea. New York: HarperCollins Publishers. 364 pgs.
Zimmer, C. 2005. Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins. [Washington, D.C.] : Smithsonian Books ; New York, NY : Collins. 176 pgs.

Activities and Curricula about Evolution
Benz, R. 2000. Ecology and Evolution, Islands of Change. Arlington: National Science Teachers Association Press. 210 pgs.
Lawrence Hall of Science. 2003. Life through Time. Berkeley: University of California. 331 pgs.
Stein, S. 1986. The Evolution Book. New York: Workman Publishing. 389 pgs.

Resources on Teaching about Evolution
American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1993. Benchmarks for Science Literacy. New York: Oxford University Press. 418 pgs.
———. 2001. Atlas for Science Literacy. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science. 165 pgs.
Beardsley, P. M. 2004. Middle-school student learning in evolution: Are current standards achievable? The American Biology Teacher, 669, 604-613.
Bybee, Rodger W., ed. 2004. Evolution in Perspective: The Science Teacher's Compendium: National Science Teachers Association Press. 99 pgs.
National Academy of Sciences. 1998. Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 140 pgs.
National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: National Research Council. 265 pgs.
National Research Council. 2000. Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 202 pgs.

Resources on Learning about Evolution
Evans, E. M. 2000. The emergence of beliefs about the origins of species in school-age children. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 462, 221- 254. 
Evans, E. M. 2001. Cognitive and contextual factors in the emergence of diverse belief systems: Creation versus evolution. Cognitive Psychology, 42, 217-266.
Evans, E. M. 2005. Teaching and Learning about Evolution. Chapter 3 in J. Diamond (Ed.) Virus and the Whale: Exploring Evolution in Creatures Small and Large.  Arlington, VA: NSTA Press. 
Diamond, J. & J. Scotchmoor. 2006. Exhibiting Evolution. Museums & Social Issues. In Press. 1(1): XX.
Poling, D. A. & Evans, E. M. 2004. Are dinosaurs the rule or the exception? Developing concepts of death and extinction. Cognitive Development, 19, 363-383.
Poling, D. A. & Evans, E. M. 2004. Religious belief, scientific expertise, and folk ecology. Journal of Cognition and Culture: Studies in the Cognitive Anthropology of Science, 4, 485-524.
Spiegel, A. N., E. M. Evans, W. Gram, and J. Diamond. 2006. Museum Visitors' Understanding of Evolution.  Museums and Social Issues, 1 (1): 69-86.

Resources on Evolution and Creationism
Jackson, D. F., Doster, E. C., Meadows, L., & Wood, T. 1995. Hearts and minds in the science classroom: The education of a confirmed evolutionist. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 32, 585-611.
National Academy of Sciences. 1999. Science and Creationism: A View from the National Academy of Sciences. 2nd Edition Ed.. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 35 pgs.
Numbers, R. L. 1992. The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism. New York: Knopf.
Skehan, J. W. & Nelson, C. E.  2000. The Creation Controversy and the Science Classroom.  Arlington: National Science Teachers Association Press. 56 pgs.
Scott, E.C. 2005. Evolution vs. Creationism; An Introduction. Berkeley, University of California Press. 272 pgs.
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